Our Mission

Welfare Avenue is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to work towards the advancement and inclusion of low-income and unhoused individuals in the Greater Montreal Area, nationally, and internationally, by relieving poverty and addressing food insecurity, isolation, and accessibility to valuable resources.

Our overarching theme is focused on leadership, partnership and networking to engage students, community members and other grassroot organizations in addressing our key issues.

WelfareAvenueCommunityStudent-involvementEqualityVolunteerism AvenueInclusionEducationSustainabilityGivingEmpathySolidarityInvolvementDiversityPartnershipLearningAwarenessSelf-growthSupportLeadershipRespect

What We Do

Our Main Focus

Food Distribution

Addressing food insecurity by working collaboratively with volunteers to operate a food distribution service that provides healthy meals to people experiencing poverty and homelessness

Essential Supply

Relieving poverty by providing clothing, essential products, and other basic amenities to individuals and families of low income and those experiencing homelessness.

Combating Isolation

Addressing isolation by implementing activities such as sports, community pop-ups, and game events for individuals experiencing social exclusion.

Expanding Access to Critical Resources

Increasing accessibility to valuable resources for marginalized individuals by partnering with local organizations and community workers to provide access to mental health supports, employment opportunities, and subsidized housing.

Meals Served: 0

Money Raised: $0

Events Organized: 0

Fundraising Events : 0

Total Volunteers: 0

Collaborations Held: 0

Our Partners

Concordia Logo
McGill Logo
John Abbot College Logo
Investissement Quebec Logo
Concordia Logo
McGill Logo
John Abbot College Logo
Investissement Quebec Logo
François Bergeron

François Bergeron – Directeur général

CDC Centre-Sud

"Cet organisme est actuellement un maillon essentiel dans la réponse collective alimentaire que les organismes communautaires construisent face à cette crise."

Karina Naim

Karina Naim – Directrice Générale


"Ce projet de cœur est maintenant devenu très grand et comme toute entreprise ou organisme qui croît rapidement, elle fait face à des défis et croissance. Les sans-abris les connaissent et comptent sur eux semaine après semaine. C’est maintenant à notre tour de les soutenir et de leur donner les outils nécessaires pour continuer leur excellent travail. Le potentiel de L’Avenue du Bien-Être est inarrêtable en raison du leadership de Steel et de son entourage. Sportira et moi personnellement allons être là à leurs côtés et on espère que leur travail continue pour aider non seulement nos sans abris mais pour amener un sens du devoir à nos jeunes."

Kassandra Gervasi

Kassandra Gervasi – Assistant Branch Manager


"Being the community leader for the RBC Van Horne and Darlington branch means finding outstanding organizations who share RBC’s values and turning this common vision into a partnership. Welfare Avenue is certainly one of them, and having the chance to not only meet those who’ve dedicated their time to help Montréal’s unhoused population, but to actually see the importance in their work makes us realize how essential giving back truly is."

Why we Partner

Welfare Avenue actively seeks partnerships with organizations that share our mission and goals in order to maximize our impact in addressing poverty, food instability, and limited accessibility to resources. By collaborating with like-minded organizations, we can combine our resources, networks, and expertise to create a more comprehensive and integrated approach to tackling these societal challenges. These partnerships allow us to leverage the strengths and capabilities of each organization, ultimately leading to a greater positive impact on the lives of low-income individuals and marginalized communities. Through our partnerships, we aim to foster collaboration, share best practices, and create sustainable solutions that address the root causes of poverty and social inequality.

What our Partnerships Create

Partnering with Welfare Avenue provides an opportunity for organizations to align themselves with a reputable and dedicated nonprofit organization committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. By partnering with us, organizations can demonstrate their corporate social responsibility and showcase their commitment to community engagement and social impact. Additionally, this can enhance your employee’s engagement, expand their reach, and create meaningful connections within the community. Through partnerships we provide organizations with the chance to collaborate on joint projects, leverage shared resources, and tap into our expertise in poverty alleviation and community development. By working together, partners can amplify their collective efforts and achieve greater outcomes in creating positive social change while helping us further our mission.

Get in Touch

Contact Information

Copyright © Welfare Avenue 2025